In a three part series by the Los Angeles Times about the notorious 18th Street Gang, staff writers Robert J. Lopez and Rich Connell said that according to a confidential State Department of Justice report, that 60% of the 18th Street gang members in Southern California are illegal aliens, estimated to be as high as 12,000 -- and that's just one gang! The Los Angeles City Council has used the LAPD Special Order 40 mandate as an excuse to NOT cooperate with the INS, and created a criminal friendly city. In today's hi-tech world of communications, the word has gotten out via the virtual hotline, that if you're a criminal, come to Los Angeles, you will have deportation immunity. As a Van Nuys block captain for over ten years, I can tell you unequiviocally, that there isn't any significant groups of Valley residents -- even those undocumented -- who oppose deportation of known gang members and alien criminals. |