Flip Flop Zine

September 27, 2003

Dear Denny:

CCIR (California Coalition for Immigration Reform) well remembers Dennis Zine who, as an LAPD officer, was one of our first (Circa 1993) Keynote Speakers who had the courage to speak out AGAINST Special Order 40 and illegal alien criminals who were killing our citizens.

What happened, Denny? Did MALDEF, LULAC, LA RAZA, ETC. or maybe MAYOR HAHN or maybe President Bush threaten you and your family  OR maybe "pay you off" to take your PRO-ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINAL position so you can now be an L.A. CITY COUNCILMAN?

Will  your  "fat paycheck" soothe your conscience when terrorists that you, as a Councilman, condone using the Matricula Consular card to board planes and massacre even more U.S. citizens.

How many innocent U.S. citizen's lives are you willing to sacrifice in exchange for the ILLEGAL ALIEN VOTE to stay in power, Denny?   Have you ever considered that one of the victims just might be one of YOUR loved ones?

Think about it.

Barbara Coe